Why I Only Buy New iPhones in September

Another year, another iPhone release.

By now Apple has become as predictable as Kardashians giving weird baby names in releasing new phones every September. When spending such a large sum of money, I like to maximize the benefits I get. We all know Apple keeps its new phone pricing the same for the entire upcoming year, until the next “best phone” is released. For me, buying the new phone right when it releases is only natural. This way, I get to enjoy the newness of the phone for an entire year. When people ask me mid-year if I am getting the new iPhone, I often answer with “if I didn’t get the phone in September when it released, I’d just wait until the next release”.

This is also why I chose the iPhone XS this September. I’ve been an iPhone user ever since I switched from dumbphone to smartphone when I was… alright let’s not date myself. Getting a new phone every other year has been sort of a ritual for me. My iPhone 7+ was actually working really well, but I have noticed that my photo quality is subpar when comparing to other people. This made me realize that I needed a phone with significant improvement in camera and can’t wait for another year. Also, the plus was getting too big for my purse and my hand. Now, iPhone XR or iPhone XS? I really needed the better camera so I bit the bullet and ordered the XS.

I’ve used the XS for a few days now. I am still getting used to not having the home button but I am quite fond of the face ID. It’s so convenient and fast! The camera is much sharper/clearer, plus it works well in low light. If you are not a camera person or don’t need to take a photo of all the foods you eat, iPhone XR is a great alternative. It’s got a bigger screen than XS!


  1. Thats awesome! I got the xs ax and love it!


    Posted 10.9.18
  2. Jessica wrote:

    This is super on point dear. Love your idea here. That’s getting the most out of your money.
    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    Posted 10.14.18

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